Monday, November 9, 2009

Pomegranates - I just don't get it.

How are you supposed to eat these things?
they were 2 for 1 a Safeway, so I bought two. I don't even know how to eat one.
On a side note - the buttons on my laptop for "C" "T" "H" and "V" stopped working. Anyone know how to fix that? IT was geTTing To be unworkable unTil I realized THaT THey work wHen I CapiTalize THem. Isn'T THaT funny? WHo would'Ve THougHT CapiTalizaTion Could solVe anyTHing? (No, Caps loCk doesn'T work).


Heather said...

Mmmm I love pomegranates. The first time I had them was in Candice's grandma's house in elementary school. They are the kind of thing you eat slowly, so you appreciate every burst of juice. Good for movie food, for example - it will last the whole movie! If you are perseverant though, you can sprinkle them on your salads.. but I'm never that patient.

Joel A. Shaver said...

(basically you scoop out all the little red seeds and eat them)

Beth said...

If you cut it in half, slice the rind and soak the whole thing in water, the seeds will come out easily. Pat -em dry with a paper towel and voila!.

I agree they're a lot of work. Good luck with the keys on your keyboard!!

Abungerism said...

Wow, lots of good advice. I'll try Beth's idea for the second one. I didn't realize you were supposed to just eat the seeds.
By the way, not sure what it was, but the keyboard's okay.

Justin said...

I don't think you realize how long and hard I laughed at this post... You're a real winner, jeff.